May is Mental Health Month, and at Axis Community Health, we believe in treating a whole person’s physical and mental health. How our bodies feel can dictate the state of our mental health and when we are in pain, it’s hard to feel happy and well. Axis has two programs that help patients find pain relief without relying on medication: Acupuncture and Chiropractic care. If you’re dealing with things like anxiety, headaches, arthritis, or just some plain pain, we’ve got you covered. These two practices that been used for managing pain in ancient Greece and China. Let’s explore how it can help:
Acupuncture is believed to stimulate your body’s nervous system that can help us feel better overall. It focuses on rebalancing your body to treat all sorts of conditions and help ease pain. A thin, threadlike needle is gently inserted into your skin at specific points called, “acupoints”. It’s believed that certain acupoints are connected to certain parts of your body release of our body’s natural painkillers, called endorphins. While needles don’t sound appealing, the process virtually painless!
Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care focuses on body’s structure, especially your spine, to help relieve pain and improve how everything functions. By adjusting your alignment your body will have an easier time healing itself. It’s not just about cracking your back; chiropractic care can include manual therapies, exercises, and even tips on how to sit, stand, and walk better.
Our acupuncture and chiropractic services are open to teens and adults alike and can help give you some relief if you suffer from:
– Anxiety & Depression
– Headaches & Migraines
– Arthritic Pain
– And more.
If you’re already part of the Axis family and want to know more about how these services can help you, please just give us a call at 925-462-1755. We’re here to make sure you feel your best, inside and out!